Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Illustrator Tutorial Videos

I thought that these videos were very nice introductory videos that demonstrated the capabilities of Adobe Illustrator. I think that the ability to make something scale to any size you want without sacrificing any detail at all is incredible and will prove to be very useful. If I had a dollar for every time I needed such a feature, i'd be a millionaire. Illustrator having some drawing tools to create your own custom graphics, eliminating the need to have Photoshop open at the same time, is also a very useful tool.

In the second video, they mentioned that due to the fact that pretty much everything in Illustrator is made with vectors, the things you make in Illustrator can be repurposed for anything, gives it edge over Photoshop in versatility. It also allows you to easily select your artist's intent, which can help us in our projects, and the ability to adjust advanced settings for your final product, like print bleed, raster mode, and color mode for websites. Overall, I think I'm going to like Illustrator, as opposed to InDesign, which I really disliked, especially when we were introduced to it.

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