Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My experience with the blog - Project 1 Reflection

The objective of the assignment was to create our own collage. The collage had to consist of 10-30 pictures, with at least 50% of them being pictures taken by you. I ended up deciding to use 9 pictures taken by me, and another 9 from the internet. The pictures I took basically consisted of tech things, since they are easy to take as opposed to pictures of other things I like, like certain bands and sports. I took pictures of things like myself, my best friend, my phone, and my computer/gaming console, since that's pretty much my life when you get right down to it.

The project basically turned out the way I thought it would. I set out with the vision to create a collage within an old 8-bit mushroom from the old Mario games. It looks poorly made and pixellated, but I assure you, it was completely intentional. I used various adjustments to improve the quality of the individual pictures as well. The hard part was making sure that every single image was clearly visible, being that it was difficult to fit every image and make them clear when all of them are overlapping. I really don't think I would have done anything differently if I were to re-do the project, since it came out as I intended it to.

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